What’s on my Mac in 2022
It’s been a slow blogging week for me but I didn’t want to slip on the consistency I have managed to build up so I made it my priority to get something out this week.

Whenever I get a new Mac I find myself asking the same familiar questions and I normally end up directing these towards Google. The questions tend to be along the lines of “What to install on a new mac?”, “Best Mac apps” and “Software for Macbook pro” etc.
Sometimes there are new apps to add to the roster but there will always be the go-to’s that make it to the install list and that is what I have listed out below. None of these are particularly fancy or niche and you will have no doubt heard of the majority of them but you may find something new in the list below. All I can say is that these apps always make the cut for me.
Alfred is Spotlight search on steroids. It can launch applications, search for files, calculate numbers and automate some tasks and apps to name just a few.
This is an application that just keeps your mac awake. I use it mainly when following recipes
Bitwarden is a password manager but it is an open-source password manager which means it is almost entirely free, there are just a few optional paid-for tools. I use it because it is a really good cross-platform option that I can use on all of my devices.
This is my video editing platform of choice. Well, it soon will be. I used to use Premiere Pro but this is free...
Again, another free tool here but this one is for photo manipulation. Similar to Photoshop but maybe not quite so extensive.
A small application that hides unwanted items in the menu bar. If you are like me you have lots of different applications installed on your mac and that menu bar sure fills up quick.
Keyboard Maestro is an awesome automation tool that can do so much. From text expansion to window control the possibilities are almost endless and it probably deserves its own post in the future.
I use this for one reason only and that is to turn the caps lock key into a modifier key (CMD+Option+Control+Shift). I then combine this with Keyboard Maestro and Alfred.
Shows the keys I type on screen for when I am recording my screen.
When I am plugged into my monitor I tend to use a mouse and keyboard. The mouse is an MX Master and this tool enables me to configure it to suit my workflow
Notion is a little bit of an all in one program but is primarily a note-taking application. You can use it to manage teams, a CRM system and for managing your own life as I do.
Simplenote is a basic note-taking app that I use to jot down quick notes. For me, Notion is too slow and complex for quick note-taking and Simplenote checks that box. It is also cross-platform which is another key thing for me.
Music. Lots of music. And some podcasts
TickTick is my To-Do List app of choice. I used to use Todoist but have recently moved over and I am liking it so far.
Hopefully, at least one of those will be new to you and you take the time to check them out if you feel it resonates. Let me know your thoughts if you do try one and feel free to share your own apps that you just can’t go without.
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