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My First 50,000 views!

One of my posts has just hit 50,000 views 🥳 (It’s actually more now!) and I just wanted to say thank you to anyone who took the time to read it, in fact, I want to thank anyone that took the time to read any of my posts. Most heroes don’t wear capes but it would seem over 50,000 of them came to the Fourth Wall 😁

Blog Post

I started this blog as a means of increasing my productivity, more specifically, it was a means to stop me from ”wasting” my time watching TV, gaming or binging YouTube Videos. All of these are habits I still do but they are now interspersed with writing blog posts and forever tweaking the Fourth Wall website. I really didn’t know what I was going to blog about or who was going to read it when I started but that didn’t really matter and it wasn’t the point. The point was to find a little more meaning in my life and you have all helped with that to some degree. So again, thanks.

Before heading down the rabbit hole that is blogging, I really didn’t expect to see the number of views that some of my posts have received, especially in the short space of time that I have been doing this. I also didn’t expect to receive any positive feedback from this unexpected and newfound audience, but I have, and that is such a good feeling. I can see why people get addicted to doing it. Seeing the comments section of the various platforms I share these posts on is always exciting and the conversations that spark up within really do give me the motivation to carry on sharing my work and knowledge. So, that is what I plan to do.

I am still very early in what I hope will be a continued blogging habit of mine and I can only imagine that I have a lot more to learn. I still don’t have a clear picture of what this blog will turn into but for now, it seems, I have gained some momentum in a tech niche that I find really interesting so I will no doubt carry that on now.

Cheers all,

Fourth Wall

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